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the Mark Millar school of comics) - but here we are with what is essentially a story about John Wick with Wolverine’s healing factor. I mean, I watch a lot of junk movies and TV and listen to a lot of crap music because it makes me happy.

I like to bathe in blood and run my fingers through the intestines of my enemies as much as the next girl. I liked the nod to the Sad Keanu meme from a few years ago on the first page and I’d’ve preferred to see more playful references to Keanu in the book - I mean, there wasn’t even a single “woah”!

Good vibrant art, minimal dialogue, fine flow, lots of gore (like, lots) — should have been more enjoyable than it was. So mediocre art, a decent enough story (for what is essentially a gore-fest opener) combine to make this a two star. will be granted the one thing he desires: the truth about his endless blood-soaked existence…and how to end it. This is one of the goriest things I've ever read and it starts out like "Ok, right on, that's the tone let's see where this goes," but you pretty quickly learn it isn't going anywhere.

I think Kindt and Reeves (probably mostly Kindt) did a pretty good job and fans will more than likely enjoy this. And they found artists who were totally down to draw hamburger, eyeballs, shattered skulls and flailing intestines. Ever wonder what John Wicks would be lije with Wolverine's healing factor and born in the barbarian and natured in the barbarian age. He's remembering his primal days by the piecemeal, but none of that hairy, bloody cavemen jazz works for me.While there has always been celebrity tie ins from Alice Cooper and KISS to CM Punk and the Ultimate Warrior to Kevin Smith and George Romero to Brandon Sanderson and Orson Scott Card to Gerard Way and Joss Whedon among many others. It took me only thirty minutes to get through this and there wasn’t a single second in which my interest was even slightly piqued except for when I literally reached the final panel on the final page. Keanu Reeves will always and forever hold a special place in my geriatric-Millennial heart, but someone needed to help him flesh this story out.

Matt Kindt may be the real criminal in this whole enterprise, but who knows how much pen-to-paper work he actually had to do here. It's not a great book, neither a bad one - it's just too shallow - that I hope improves going forward. However, he needs to keep fighting to keep from going into a berserker rage so berserk, vowels are jettisoned to the wayside. Old Guard, Eternal Warrior, Wolverine, Vandal Savage, so on and so on all the way back to Gilgamesh.Apparently, his mother prayed for a weapon to deliver her people from marauding tribes, and ended up with a lightning bolt to the twat that impregnated her with a BRZRKR baby. It’s a mix of John Wick with some Conan the Barbarian and some Wolverine and Immortal/Vampire tropes which bring to mind the Old Guard series.

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